You can even have lot traitsto enhance your household.

package file trait just place it in the Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods folder. Installing these custom traits is pretty easy.
#Sims 4 traits mods tumblr mod#
Whether you’re looking for a Sims 4 traits mod to take your Sim’s emotions to the next level or a Sims 4 trait pack that gives your Sim a whole new wardrobe, the mod of your dreams is out there. These traits function almost like every other trait: some give certain benefits for skills, careers etc, some disadvantages and they’ll determine the whims of your Sims. careers career sims 4 mods ts4cc ts4 ts4 mods Ultimate Nursing Career Nursing is a profession within the health care sector focused on the care of individuals, families, and communities so they may attain, maintain, or recover optimal health and quality of life. Click Here For Alcoholic There’s a Mod for That The Sims 4 does have a fair share of traits that we can pick from. Zerbus Mod Constructor V4 is a powerful tool for Sims 4 that can be used to create custom traits for Sims in CAS, lot traits, aspirations and more.